We Will: | Whilst You: | Your Mortgage Lender Will: |
- Contact the seller’s solicitor to obtain and check:
– The title deeds of the property
– Proposed contract with the seller - Make Local Authority and any other necessary searches and check results.
- Receive mortgage instructions from your lender
- Prepare all documentation for your signature and report to you.
- Pay us search fees on account
- Arrange a Survey (check with your lender)
- Raise any neighbouring planning concerns with the Council
- Ensure that all necessary papers are signed and returned to the mortgage lender
- Lodge signed contract and deposit with us
- Investigate removal companies.
- Carry out a valuation survey of the property
- Check that you are eligible for the mortgage
- Send your solicitor the mortgage offer and instruct them to check:
– The title deeds of the property
– The proposed contract with your seller
– Local Authority and any other necessary searches
– That all mortgage conditions in the offer can be satisfied
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Contracts are exchanged Deposit handed over | Put buildings insurance and life cover on risk | EXCHANGE |
- Prepare Completion Statement (a financial summary)
- Conduct final Searches
- Request mortgage funds from your lender
- Pay us balance of purchase monies, costs & disbursements
- Return signed/witnessed Mortgage Deed to us
- Provide us with Date of Birth & National Insurance Number for SDLT Return
- Confirm removal company booking
- Book utilities connections
- Agree arrangements for handover of keys with agents
- Notify change of address :
- Mortgage funds paid to solicitors
Hand over purchase monies to seller’s solicitors
Remove deeds and documents from seller’s solicitors | Collect keys | COMPLETION |
- Complete Stamp Duty Land Transaction Tax (SDLT) Return
- Pay any Stamp Duty
- Register your ownership with the Land Registry
- Provide you with a copy of the Title Information Document
- Sign & Return SDLT form signed for our file
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